Dr Belgacemi Mouloud: Corona virus : societies and states, Psychology of individuals and the state's crisis management

فيلوكلوب أبريل 05, 2020 أبريل 05, 2020
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نبذة عن المقال: Dr Belgacemi Mouloud: Corona virus : societies and states, Psychology of individuals and the state's crisis management
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Corona virus : societies and states
Psychology of individuals and the state's crisis management
Dr Belgacemi Mouloud
Researcher in international studies

Introduction :

The US Secretary of Defense in cold war said : « The era of strategy has ended and a new era has begun called the era of crisis management ».
With the  spread  of the Corona virus in  the  world  and  the  increase in the number of  infected peopl  societies and states  were  divided  into  two  parts   societies and countries that  possess  scientific knowledge and traditions and possess  institutions  with a strategic vision and a scientific  method in management  and organization,  and  others   waiting  for their inevitable  fate to live in populism  and  chaos  and  manifestations  of  backwardness  and failure, and find societies  around the world  itself facing a crisis imposed by the  authorized at the stage of the experience and challenge the behavior of society, culture and capabilities of  institutional  if we start in the analysis of that state as the most prestigious  social  organization, and thus regulated conduct is not like the rest of the traditional organizations, but must have a  comprehensive strategy  rational and contains a set of sectoral strategies and within her feed strategy of risk management and crisis and their ability to adapt and deal with risks and crises of the  environnement strategy.
The concepts used in this paper the concept  of  crisis,  which  refers  to  an unusual condition that leads to the negative results of an unexpected inability of the Organization or the State to achieve its objectives set out in time and can be defined as a threat and danger to goals, values and beliefs of societies, organizations and countries

I.                                      Corona virus and the psychology of societies :

Indicates « Laurent-Henry Venue »  That epidemics are a common product of nature and societiesbetween microbes and humans , and germs only become dangerous in certain circumstances and as a result of human intervention.
In terms of social behavior of individuals, the spread of the Corona epidemic has created a minimum distance between people and thus the dissolution of some human relations. Wearing a face mask differs in its philosophy among societies, which is considered by some Asian cultures to be an ordinary matter unlike Western societies that consider it a kind of selfishness for fear of Transmission of the epidemic, also some health and social habits of some societies encourage the spread of the epidemic and hinder the application of crisis management procedures.
Within the framework of the psychology of individuals and the impact of epidemics on societies where everyone warns of everyone  and began unfamiliar scenes of selfishness, defending stores and trying to race with time to store everything , and a more dangerous condition of the spread of the virus Fear of the future and doubting anything, which is similar to the psychology of wars .
Epidemics throughout history, especially the Corona virus, have produced new concepts such as quarantine and universal sterilization that have changed our health systems - is if some underdeveloped societies have a health system - as indicated by the historian and demographic expert. »Patrice Bordeaux « From the Graduate School of Science and social , and that topic of epidemics have a structural impact on the history of health in communities, and the experience of countries with epidemics especially that have the capacity to the learned from their experiences produced a state of perception of the existence of a strategy for risk and crisis management, and orientation Towards a new generation of experts in the viruses and in the field of risk and crisis management, as indicated by the French geographer "Freddy Fennet".

Therefore, the Corona pandemic crisis can be an opportunity to reconsider our social and culture through educational methode, and although the spread of the virus outside China has been rapid, many societies and countries have been able to prepare and plan by synergizing civil society efforts and organizational capabilities in mobilizing society And his preparation, in addition to the strength of the state institutions and traditions at work with a strategic vision for crisis management.
As for societies which was not prepared to face risks and crises, the social culture and the behavior of its members hinder the application of any crisis management strategy, and for this kind of societies must reconsider relationship with its scientific research to had taken precautionary measures to curb the spread of the epidemic.

    II.                            Fragile societies and the absence of a crisis management strategy:

The concept of crisis management is a relatively recent concept in terms of revitalizing them as a branch of science management and organization and is difficult to find a precise concept, it can be defined as the set of processes that seek to overcome the crisis, avoid its negatives and benefit from its positives, also require crisis management philosophy be a perception of the crisis and perception is not only by having information and a team of specialists to analyze, as indicated by the researcher « Dr. Merbah Malika » in her book, "Crisis Management Strategy and Governance Effectiveness.", the Crisis Management Team must be aware of the nature of crisis and its precise description, and know its causes and the capabilities required to deal with it and the available capabilities and the time required to deal with it, the crisis represents a threat to an organization, a state or societies , and the crisis needs an approach to work to avoid strikes and transfer them from losses to achieve positive elements and benefit from them, and risk and crisis management stems from a strategic vision and not from randomness decisions .
One of the indicators of measuring the strength of the state is its health system, and the ability of its institutions to manage risks and crises societies did not believe that the proliferation of China would be this strong,  even European countries were not ready to face this virus, due to the nature of the health system in these countries, as for many countries, they face structural failure and the absence of a strategic crisis management strategy, and their organization remains dependent on improvised reactions and decisions at the expense of having a comprehensive strategic vision.
Especially since the nature of modern crises contains an element of surprise that cannot be expected in terms of space and time,  and it represents a threat to the present and the future, moreover, these crises represent a turning point that imposes actions and reactions to face emergency situations; it is characterized by ambiguity, and it is difficult to make a decision in the changing environment and avoid mistakes because there is no time to fix the error.
figure explain elements of crisis characteristics
Figure prepared by the researcher
On the societal aspect of crisis management through the role of institutions between efficiency and inefficiency, crises determine the history and fate of societies,  and history proves that societies and countries that relied on an effective strategic and policy vision based on scientific thinking were more capable of sustaining themselves than societies and countries that deal with crises and risks populist and chaotic away from scientific thinking.
And whoever argues that the Corona virus was a surprise for countries dealing with it for the first time, even China is facing this epidemic for the first time like other countries, but its organizational capabilities have made it a model in managing risks and crises, many countries have dealt with Corona virus recklessly, in addition to the fragility of their health system and the absence of a strategic vision, and the absence of awareness that the epidemic crisis is related to health security and therefore one of the levels of national security of countries and therefore it must be dealt with according to the national security approach.
Finally, many societies must take advantage of this crisis because it is an opportunity to learn, they must reconsider their philosophy of management and organization, and formal institutions have a strategic vision and philosophy in crisis management, it is not possible for societies and states to turn to science and scientific thinking. We find some societies and states, especially Arab, deal in a traditional way, especially that our institutions suffer from many problems, including their ability to perform and thus their ability to manage crises.
Societies and their intellectuals must also be more understanding and aware of the size of responsibility towards their countries and not deal with risks and crises outside the human security approach.

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